Tapping into the needs of larger businesses and corporations, McKinnon Executive Coaching partners with women leaders in your organization to support them in their current roles and on their leadership development career path helping to align strategy, culture and leadership.
This program is confidential for the benefit of the participants. Coaching sessions occur every 2 weeks.

How we provide support:
Assess strengths and weaknesses
Plan and implement strategy
Act as a Sounding Board
Offer new perspectives, experience and advice
Help clarify professional goals
Create an action plan for reaching these goals
Accountability for achieving these goals
Expected Results:
More effective leadership
Enhanced strategic thinking
Heightened emotional intelligence
More engaged and committed team members
Stronger EXECUTIVE presence
Enhanced confidence
Greater resilience and agility
Improved job satisfaction and performance
Email and phone support is available during the entire coaching program. “Progress Check-Ins” at 3 months and 6 months after the coaching program is completed.
Package Available: One-One Coaching with up to 8 managers/leaders (Minimum one year)